And it’s as oddly esoteric as you might imagine from his highness, amazing cover too. “The Pitch” reports: “Bonnie “Prince” Billy, aka Will Oldham, has announced a new album that covers Susanna’s 2007 LP Sonata Mix Dwarf Cosmos in its entirety. It’s called Wolf of the Cosmos, and it’s out November 17 via Drag City. He also shared a new music video for “People Living,” featuring footage from the Charlottesville riot. Check out the full tracklist and cover art below. Oldham said in a statement that he favored “fantastical and real structures and practices” when it came to recording, as opposed to the fads other artists seemed to follow. He added, “Wolf of the Cosmos…is about, as much as anything, direct engagement with recorded music. So step right up to the replicant.”
Wolf of the Cosmos:
01 Intruder
02 Born in the Desert
03 Hangout
04 People Living
05 Stay
06 For You
07 Better Days
08 Traveling
09 Demon Dance
10 Home Recording
11 We Offer
12 Lily