The Natvral “Lucifers Glory” – rock poetry

Kip Berman – who trades as The Natvral – wants it to be known that today’s song from his second album ‘Summer Of No Light‘ (Dirty Bingo Records, September 1st) is no celebration of the prince of rebellion, of angels, and darkness.  Nope.  As he says: “Don’t let the title fool you— It’s not a full throated “Hail Satan,” but it is full throated. I suppose I could’ve called it “Paradise Lust.” When you hit rock bottom, but wish you could fall deeper- when you’re proud to lose, ‘cuz you know the kind of people who win- when only what’s missing remains…Sure, It’s perverse, crushing, and wrong. But it’s also alright. There were other options, but only one choice. That’s Lucifer’s Glory.”

The former Pains Of Being Pure At Heart frontman has delivered a song that might think of any one of a mighty triumvirate of Springsteen, Malin and Mellencamp – or maybe all three in places.  The recording of the new album occured during a pandemic lockdown period and it was in part inspired by reflecting on the year 1816 when the world was hit by a climate crisis following an enormous volcanic eruption.  In particular, Kip Berman mused on Mary Shelley: “Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’ was written that same summer.  Like me, she was among the relatively fortunate who could take shelter, I found the idea of these people sustaining themselves through art, while fucking and getting fucked up, both familiar and foreign.”

About Jonathan Aird 2849 Articles
Sure, I could climb high in a tree, or go to Skye on my holiday. I could be happy. All I really want is the excitement of first hearing The Byrds, the amazement of decades of Dylan's music, or the thrill of seeing a band like The Long Ryders live. That's not much to ask, is it?
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