Award winning Americana DJ Mike Ritchie celebrates 10 years on the air

As many will be aware, Celtic Music Radio presenter, Mike Ritchie, celebrated ten years of broadcasting on the Glasgow-based community station on Sunday 4th August 2024. Ritchie, who is a two-time winner of the AUK Readers’ Poll for Best Radio Show, has built up a strong following for his two-hour programme that airs every Sunday at 16:00 (UK time). To mark the occasion we put a number of questions to the veteran americana broadcaster.

AUK:  How did you get your start with the show and Celtic Music Radio?

MR: I bumped into a few of their presenters at gigs in Glasgow fairly regularly but one in particular, the late Bill Morris, who became a good chum, was most persuasive in a friendly manner and a huge help when I finally accepted the invite. I did stand-in shows for a year or so and really enjoyed the experience, though I was nervous and struggled at times with the technology. Then the 4-6 pm Sunday slot became available so I said “yes” when asked if I fancied it.

AUK: How do you set about selecting what to play for a show?

MR: The opening track is easy as I always play a Neil Young song: very rarely I don’t. I check out new music that’s been sent to me and music I’ve requested from musicians themselves, record labels or PR teams. There’s never a shortage of choice tracks I like and want to share. It’s not a chore and I spread it out over a few days, listening in the car or working out at the gym and at home. I like to include classic tracks as well – Townes Van Zandt, Guy Clark, Lucinda Williams, Gillian Welch, The Handsome Family, Willard Grant Conspiracy – as I think that gives my show a fine balance. The feedback is good on my playlists, I’m so pleased to say. Research for info is second nature as I was a national newspaper journalist and then ran my own PR business. I like to promote shows and tours as well, when I can.

AUK:  What’s been the biggest thrill doing the show the last 10 years?

MR: Winning the AUK Readers’ Poll for Best Radio Show in 2017 and 2020 was pretty special, pipping Bob Harris, who kindly sent me a “well done” message. Interviewing the wonderful Courtney Marie Andrews before a Voodoo Rooms gig in Edinburgh was wonderful. She is a gem and a great singer/songwriter. I didn’t want to take up too much of her time before the show but she was in no hurry to end the chat. Scots singer/songwriter, Roseanne Reid is a great interviewee as well. She giggles a lot. Margo Cilker, JP Harris, Chip Taylor, Carson McHone, Nathan Bell and so many others have been a joy to talk with, too.

AUK:  And what’s been the biggest disaster or near disaster?

MR: Well, I’ve not set anything on fire, so that’s the sign of a good broadcast for me. There have been minor things: playing a wrong track and it’s riddled with swear words is pretty grim but not a disaster. Locking myself out of our new studios once with five minutes to go before my start time was awful. Our current studios are in a massive shopping centre and I nipped to the loo, leaving my door fob inside. Had to call the security office and, thankfully, one of their guys appeared to let me in with seconds to spare. I felt so stupid. The show did go out on time… just.

AUK:  If you had to pick a favourite track, favourite album and gig from the last decade what would they be?

MR: You know, of course, no one can answer such a question. A track I remember playing vividly was Clem Snide’s ‘Al Green’ from the album “Soft Spot”: it was a request show for my 250th show, it was requested by my wife, Maggie and it was on the last show any of us presented from our old Admiral Street studios as lockdown hit. None of us ever went back there. It was an emotional afternoon.  On albums,  among my favourites in recent times would be releases by Margo Cilker, Zach Aaron, Esther Rose, Amber Cross, Bella White and The Felice Brothers. For favourite gig I am going to take the easy way out and say Waxahatchee in Glasgow last month: she was brilliant. Twenty-four tracks from a terrific singer/songwriter and her ace band. They were having a good time and we were having a good time.  Tanya Tucker at 3rd & Lindsley in Nashville in 2019 was nothing short of sensational, too, when she launched her “While I’m Livin’” album while Shannon McNally at Dee’s Country Cocktail Lounge, also in Nashville two years ago is hard to forget. What a venue that is.

AUK: What can we expect in the next 10 years?

MR: Nothing adventurous. More of the same and I really hope people continue to join me on Sundays between 4 and 6 pm and we can share a good musical time.

When he sent in his responses, Ritchie added: “I only realised late in the week that it was my 10th anniversary show.  It’s been a good run and lots of fun playing great music for an appreciative and very supportive audience all this time. My fellow volunteers at Celtic Music Radio have helped immensely and I’m also indebted to the musicians, record labels and PR teams who send the music I play. My thanks, too, to everyone who has been in touch to say, ‘well done.’ I’m grateful in so many ways.”

To which we can add our own congratulations and to hope that having emulated Neil Young hitting his “Decade” he can go on to achieve his “Lucky Thirteen”.

About Richard Parkinson 216 Articles
London based self-diagnosed music junkie with tastes extending to all points of big tent americana and beyond. Fan of acts and songs rather than genres.
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Mike Ritchie

Thank you, Richard for this feature and for raising the profile of Celtic Music Radio. Thanks, too, to all at AmericanaUK for the personal support, which is most appreciated.