The title track, an entry in a song writing competition to highlight the effects of pine beetle epidemic in Iowa City, the 4th album in AEL’s discography and an opening track with a sad weepy fiddle, set the scene. Breathy, and at times just plain old sad, it shuffles along, asking to be loved, hopping awkwardly from foot to foot of a record – but love it you will, long time. Her husky tones, the sunny afternoon tunes are a perfect antidote for a grey rainy autumn afternoon.
It’s pretty, lovely and has charm seeping out of its every pore, sparkling even through the cheapest speakers will bring a shaft of joy and happiness into your world. It’s a record to doze contended in your hammock, satisfied at work done, a life lived and a feeling of satisfaction.
At only nine tracks, it’s just not enough AEL, her cute, sweet minimalist songs are wisps, snatches of whimsical musical dreams, fleeting moments of joyous aural pleasure, even in the dark times. She does blues, she does jazzy, and with a voice such as hers there is nothing she can’t do.
The antidote to a chilly day.