Benjamin James Roberts “And So I Ask Myself . . .” (Misty Ocean Sounds, 2019)

Oh, to be young and have your whole life ahead of you… With so much yet to come it’s the wise artist who takes time to reflect on what has already come to pass. Where are you? Who are you? How did you get here? And sometimes, when you ask yourself, the answers come in the form of more questions. On his debut EP, Benjamin James Roberts offers us his reflections on the process of growing into the artist he is today. Those changes came by way of experimenting, questioning, and searching for understanding.

The songs on the album convey a familiarity with the uncertainty and frailty that mark such explorations. Benjamin transfers those thoughts to the recordings with impressive skill and confidence.

The album has a certain charm that can be attributed to the fact that we get to see the artists’ first steps. Here is the sprouting of the seed. There’s more than enough here to pique one’s interest in what’s to come.

Laying the foundations for further explorations

About Steven Rafferty 38 Articles
Writer, Musician, Political Junkie, Oilfield Hand in Recovery . . .
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