Pete Falloon is a multi-instrumentalist and folk-pop/country rock singer/songwriter. Having played in several West Country acts, and the cult duo with his brother Matthew, Brothers Falloon, Pete is gearing up to release his debut solo long player Reed In The River in Winter 2016.
Can you tell us about yourself? Where you’re from and what you’ve been up to over the past few years? I’m blessed to be based in Exmouth, Devon, UK, a beautiful part of the world. I was born in Kent but definitely call Devon home now – I love the outdoors and the natural environment here is spectacular. Over the last few years, I have been working on writing and recording my debut album. It’s taken quite a while and been a lot of work alongside raising a young family and a day job, but it has been really rewarding and an incredible journey. I had no idea it would turn out just how it has, but it’s exactly what I wanted it to be! Since the album was completed, I’ve been playing live a lot more, mainly solo and everything from tiny fully acoustic folk clubs to support slots in bigger venues. I’m really enjoying that, and sharing the new songs with new people.
How would you describe your music?
I describe myself as a folk-pop and country rock songwriter, my music is classic, warm, bright, melodic and tells stories from the heart. We had a lot of fun making this album, and I hope that joyfulness comes over, although there are of course sadder and more wistful songs too. I am a bit of a retro at heart and love vintage instruments and recording gear and hopefully that warmth too comes over in the songs.
Can you tell us a little bit about your influences?
Some of my key influences are late 60s- early 70s folk pop acts from the psychedelic era – like Simon and Garfunkel, The Byrds and James Taylor, through to modern acts like R.E.M., the Stone Roses and the Canadian Americana band, The Barr Brothers. Growing up, there were a few albums around the house that were not off the record player much – Bridge Over Troubled Water, Talking Book by Stevie Wonder, and Bridges by the classical guitarist John Williams. R.E.M. and the Stone Roses were big favourites when I was a lad, and still are now. The Barr Brothers are worth a special mention – I heard them do an acoustic session on Radio 2 while driving up to a band rehearsal for my album and bought both of theirs as soon as I’d stopped the car. They got played a lot travelling to rehearsals and the studio, really great albums.
What are you currently promoting?
I’m currently promoting my new single, Reasons, which has got some really great reviews and radio play. I’m really grateful for that. Reasons is the first single from my new album, which I will be promoting this November with three full band shows in Exeter, Tunbridge Wells and London. We have some fantastic special guests.. songwriter David Mumford for two shows and Bob Harris Radio two favourite Small Town Jones in Exeter.
Have you got a particular song you’ve done that you’re particularly proud of, one that might define you?
It’s really hard to pick one song out – I am proud of them all – though for me, the title track of the album, Reed In The River is special. It kind of sums up what the album is about, learning and growing as a person and spiritually through the ups and downs of life and trying to become more open and grateful for what we have, here and now. There’s some lovely instrumentation on the track, especially the drums with brushes from Paul Everest, and mandolin from my brother Matthew.
What are you currently listening to?
The last thing I listened to was on shuffle, Little Green by Joni Mitchell. Before that it was Behind The Sun by The Byrds, some Martha Reeves, and music from my friend Hiatus.
And your favourite album of all time, the one you couldn’t do without?
Probably The Ballad of Easy Rider by The Byrds, even if just for that song. I’d like that played at my funeral. But it’s not easy to choose just one, and I love Murmur by R.E.M., The Stone Roses first album, and Simon and Garfunkel’s Bridge Over Troubled Water.
What are your hopes for your future career?
I wanted to make an album that I was really happy with – I’ve done that. I’d just love to share it with people who would like to hear it, and play some great gigs and festival slots. I’m really lucky to have got some radio play through regional and online stations in the U.K. and abroad but would love to get on national stations. I haven’t even begun thinking about a second album yet but I do have plenty of ideas for songs.. and I would love to collaborate with some interesting folks.
If money were no object what would be your dream project?
For recording, I would probably return to Vale Studios, where we recorded Reed In The River. It is a great place run by lovely people and has a lovely warm vintage vibe. I’d just spend more time there! There are two sides to the music that I’d like to work on more, firstly the more acoustic and folkier side, and involve more instruments like fiddle, harp, strings and brass. But I’d also like to explore the psychedelic pop side of my music more too. I am lucky to have had great musicians to work with – my brother Matthew and drummer Paul, and have worked with them for years. There is something special about the understanding you get from doing that. I’d also really like to work more with Tim Wills, who mixed the album – he did a fantastic job of it and it would be good to get him involved in production earlier. For acoustic material I would really like to record in buildings with fantastic acoustics like our local church, St John In The Wilderness. So for me, the money is not object part would be more about having more time to record and create, rather than spending the budget on a massive studio or new gear.
What’s the best thing about being a musician?
Personally, the creative side, getting to build something from the ground up and seeing songs take form; and there’s nothing like the feeling of a live show going really well. The more intimate the better, I’ve really enjoyed doing completely unplugged acoustic shows in rooms with great acoustics. It’s so natural. I’ve also been really touched by the support people have given to my music, and it’s been wonderful meeting so many lovely new people.
And the worst?
The late nights – I am definitely a morning person!
Finally, have you anything you’d like to say to the readers of Americana UK?
Just a big thanks for reading this far and I hope you enjoy the music, and would love to see you at a gig sometime soon. Get in touch and in the meantime, have a lovely day!