Er… Alison Krauss to receive arts award from POTUS

Well this beats finding out that George Bush Jr. had the Thrills on his iPod.  Alison Krauss has been chosen to receive the National Medal of Arts which will be presented by President Trump on Thursday at a special ceremony. Other artists to receive the award include actor Jon Voight (who’s a known Trump supporter) and the bands of the United States military, and marks the first recipients of arts and humanities medals of Trump’s presidency, because let’s face it, arts are for the weak -and as for humanity!

The White House announced the honorees in a press release on Sunday night that praised Krauss’s “extraordinary contributions to American music”, noting how she has “entertained and enriched the souls of millions.” It initially misspelt her name as “Allison.” At the moment it’s unknown if Krauss herself will attend.

About Mark Whitfield 2091 Articles
Editor of Americana UK website, the UK's leading home for americana news and reviews since 2001 (when life was simpler, at least for the first 253 days)
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She did attend. Pathetic! So disappointed in her.