In his musical theatre career Jon Patrick Walker has portrayed The Boss, and Lennon and he’s had the furthering of his recording career helped along by Josh Kaufman , who we last heard of within the context of Bonny Light Horseman. Jon Patrick Walker’s musical obsessions are good ones – The Beatles, Paul Simon, The Who and Harry Nilsson are some of them. ‘All-Night Diner‘ is a rather cool laid back confessional style song which has hints of that Lennon influence in it.
It’s a song of bruised emotions “well the last two days have been such hell I wonder how I survived / If it hadn’t have been for my friend Jack Daniels probably wouldn’t be alive” and painful feelings “my memories return you staked a claim in my heart” . ‘All-Night Diner‘ is taken from Walker’s upcoming full length release ‘The Rented Tuxedo & Other Songs’ which is due out in June.