We leave you this week dear reader with a treat for those of you of a more Fannies bent, with a track from the new album by Nada Surf ‘Never Not Together’ – as Graeme Marsh on Stereoboard put it, “Sandwiched between the [first and third track on the album] is ‘Come Get Me’, possibly the best track Nada Surf have ever recorded. Its mesmerising keyboard hook is an absolute joy, but the subject matter is anything but. Caws sings “I was always on my guard since I was a kid” and “there was no love in our home”, but this is a corker of a track that, in an ideal world, would be pumping out on radio stations for years.” And I basically couldn’t agree more. Sorry to nick your words Graeme. Have a good one – oh and we are having our annual AUK get together over the weekend in (wait for it…) Clitheroe, so do come and say hello if we’re not in too much of a state.