Naomi in Blue follows up the well received EP ‘An Experiment‘ with this new song which could be taken as the ultimate in self-deprecation. Over infectious garage band riffs Naomi in Blue confesses to a number of failings. Quite a large number of failings as well as the obvious stupidity – “I got no job / I got nothing to do / I’m in an existential crisis and I’m only 22 – except that’s not true.” It’d be enough to get the on-call therapist around to Naomi In Blue’s gaff – except that last applies to all the foregoing, not just the quoted age. So it turns out that, other than the aforementioned stupidity it’s quite the reverse for the rest.
You see, the song isn’t really a confession at all – it’s actually Naomi says “a stupid song she wrote about herself, but really, it’s a depiction of humanity’s messiness.”
Yeah, well all we can say is “would you just do the IQ test and take the polygraph?” ‘Cos honestly, we just don’t know what to believe anymore.