Patrick Taylor “Appalachian Seafoam”

Independent, 2024

Patrick Taylor releases a deeply personal solo album.

Cover art for Patrick Taylors album Appalachian SeafoamTrash Panda front man Patrick Taylor (a.k.a. Lazuli Vane) has delivered a powerful collection of 11 songs inspired by Taylor’s journey across America, gradually reconnecting with nature, creativity and simply “taking some time to breathe“.  Recorded over 4 years in a North Carolina barn, several tracks capture the ambience of the recording environment: ‘Heaven Realms and Landscapes‘ opens with Taylor blowing dust off the microphone and insect noises accompany both ‘On Fire and Freezing‘ and ‘Howl and Soar‘.

That said, this is no lo-fi wood shed album. Many of the tracks deliver a nuanced sound with layered arrangements that develop the other-worldly Trash Panda style. The wonderful, atmospheric ‘Aging Out of the 21st Century‘ is a reworking of Trash Pandas 2016 ‘Aging out of the 20th Century‘ (from debut OFF). It is a reflective piece, in the original Taylor hoped he didn’t stay jaded, in the sequel he is glad he didn’t. The love song ‘Waking Up in Tune‘ gently builds from a solo guitar into a luscious full-band affair.

The essence of the album and its themes of moving on and rebuilding are captured in a loose trilogy of tracks. The stark line “living in the city never worked for me” from opener ‘The Great Loves of My Life’ reluctantly begins this journey. ‘A Little Deeper Each Day‘ has a less restless quality, gradually bringing us around to the idea that “it’s alright to be in love“. and finally ‘Relax and Outgrow‘ takes on a more strident tone, with Taylor finally accepting there is “beauty in life“, even if that “includes a dark side.”

The artist has described this project as an outlet for his reintegration into life after a decade marred by heartbreak and health issues. Though completed in 2023, Taylor’s feelings of vulnerability meant it was kept under wraps until its surprise release. Many will be glad it has finally seen the light of day – it is an album that deserves to be heard.


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