A concise and to the point ‘Pops’ this edition folks as we recall that this week saw May 1st (or The First of May or May Day as you will). May Day is, of course, International Worker’s Day – an occasion on which you might think that the workers of the world would unite, having nothing to lose but their chains. Although it might not be obvious those of us beavering away on this internationally renowned web-magazine really do find it hard work at times so we stand shoulder to shoulder with the rest of our working sistren and brethren in celebration of our labours and the sacrifice that our fellow workers have made over the millennia.
Of course we also recognise the celebration of Beltane – the midway point between the spring and summer solstices – and so honour our pagan friends and colleagues. We are turning the cattle into the summer pasture and lighting bonfires as we speak.
There are a surprising number of ways of celebrating May Day around the world and, whatever your culture, we wish you well.
Also this week there are local town/council/mayoral elections in England and Northern Ireland. This piece will appear too late to make any difference but we trust that those who were eligible voted with their conscience and got the representation that they seek (or deserve).