Pick of the Political Pops: The Rolling Stones “All About You”

As we realised when we were excavating the cellar in order to turn it into The Bunker here at Americana-UK Towers – when you’re in a hole, stop digging. Such advice seems to have fallen on deaf ears with Terry Might and The Blues however. In the continuing saga of “Leave You, EU, Wouldn’t Wanna Be You” it would, for all the world, appear that (a) there isn’t a plan (b) there isn’t an objective and (c) there isn’t an achievable outcome. If anyone is unfamiliar with the back story here then what you need to know is that the mess we’re in is entirely about the survival of The Blues as a political entity and always has been – from the announcement of The Plebiscite to the triggering of Article 50 the main focus has been on balancing the various factions of The Blues from the Raab-id right to the Eton(ian) Mess to the Vaguely Misguided In Thinking That We Are Centrists. So thanks for that but, as this tune has it, we’re sick and tired of hanging around with dogs like you…

About Paul Villers 187 Articles
I am a professional curmudgeon. I don't care and neither should you. Buy me gin and we can possibly be friends.
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