The funny thing is that Scenic Route to Alaska don’t have the issues you might think of when listening to their new song ‘Polarized‘. That upcoming election – it’s a problem for their neighbours to the South; they might have the Queen on their cash but Brexit isn’t their problem either – Canada already has a trade deal with the EU. Smart.
The Edmonton trio aren’t going to sit on their hands though – they’re looking to make sense of a world where antagonism comes in waves that are linearly out of phase. Polarization – both sides completely out of sink so that “can’t we just all be decent to each other” and “let’s hate everyone not like us” just can’t find a point of agreement. It’s not enough to ask “when did everything get lost? Will it always be this way ? Will it always feel the same?” it has to change, as they declare “We got to do it for them we got to do it for the generations coming next.”