Something for the weekend: Jason McNiff “My Mississippi”

Just typing that song title reminded me of being at school – have looked at the word about 5 times but still not sure I’ve spelt it right. ANYWAY – that’s it from us dear reader for another week and we leave you with a lovely new song from an artist AUK has had a 20-year affair with since reviewing his “Nobody’s Son” album back in 2004 and which is still going strong thanks to his ability to keep on releasing great music. Phew! Of new track ‘My Mississippi’ Jason told us: “My Mississippi was inspired by Huckleberry Finn. Of course, I’ve never even been to that part of the US, so I had to sing about the Thames. If someone asked me how I would sum up my 25 years in London, I think the best answer would be that I spent a lot of time smoking (tobacco) and looking at the stars, just like Huck Finn.'” (And while we’re on the subject, the new book from Percival Everett provides a fresh perspective from the position of the runaway slave Jim in the Mark Twain classic. You can read more about that here.)

We’ll have more new music from Jason soon as a new album is around the corner, and if this track is anything to go by it’ll be a gem. In the meantime, our usual Friday sign-off these days – you can find out what local action on Palestine there is taking place around you here. Do support it if you can. As I noted before, it feels like the great moral issue of our age and whatever you can do, however localised or small, will make a difference if we keep chipping away. Take care and have a good one.

About Mark Whitfield 2056 Articles
Editor of Americana UK website, the UK's leading home for americana news and reviews since 2001 (when life was simpler, at least for the first 253 days)
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Alison Jennings

Well, the Thames is not much like the Mississippi – here is a video to help with the important distinctions:

Alison Jennings

U.S schoolchildren learn this: M-I-double S-I-double S-I-double P-I