Sonny And The Sunsets “Pink Cake” – I’m such a burden

Photo: Kristin Cofer

To be honest it’s just as well that this upbeat song with downbeat lyrics has a nice vibe to it, a bit Jonathan Richman-esque, as this was going to make the cut anyway based on an anecdote shared by Sonny Smith whilst explaining the background of the album title from which ‘Pink Cake‘ is taken.  The album is called ‘Self-Awareness Through Macrame’ and it is out on August 25th via Rocks In You Head – the title, Smith explains thusly “My parents were living in Bolinos when I was born. This was the early 70’s. There was a lot of weaving, ceramics, banjo playing and this kind of thing back then. At the time, my mom said she had developed a course to be taught at the Bolinos community center called Self-Awareness Through Macrame. I said ‘oh, thats interesting, do you keep in touch with any of the students?’ She said ‘no. no one signed up’. that made me laugh.

Pink Cake‘ also has a story behind it as Sonny Smith tells – “I was talking to a friend of mine that was going through a big sad sack phase and she was confused of whether her girlfriend gave any shits about her.  Then her mom got her a pink cake for her birthday but she wasn’t there to present it and my pal was in a hurry so the cake sat around for days at moms house. she kept saying , “I know I sound like a bummer but…” and then would tell me all the things that were going wrong.”  So, you see, she was obsessed with the bad, or the perceived bad, when she could have been eating cake…it’s a life lesson to us all (and cake is only one example of an overlooked “good” thing, we realise that cake is not for everyone, cake is in many ways a metaphor).

About Jonathan Aird 2948 Articles
Sure, I could climb high in a tree, or go to Skye on my holiday. I could be happy. All I really want is the excitement of first hearing The Byrds, the amazement of decades of Dylan's music, or the thrill of seeing a band like The Long Ryders live. That's not much to ask, is it?
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