Sounds from beyond the Shed 153 “Every now and then”

Photos: Karly Hartzman

Writing about Americana, editing the news for this lovely site, creating content for a radio station that ostensibly plays Americana, creating my own radio shows for another station, going to gigs, I spend pretty much every hour when I’m not doing household chores, husbandly, dutiful son or grandfatherly duties listening to and thinking about music. And every now and then an artist comes across the radar that makes me stop and smile. This moment’s artist in question is MJ Lenderman as flagged in the news section a while back.

There have been three tracks released from his upcoming ANTI studio debut and each one is a beauty but go back to his previous studio albums and the raw talent is there for all to see. If you don’t know him, you soon will. For me there are traces of Songs:Ohia, Sparklehorse and Conor Oberst as well as a fiercely individual streak. He works with Waxahatchee as wells the band Wednesday.  The latest album out on September 6th looks like it’s turned the song writing up to max as well as the production values, and, glory be, he’s touring in November although at last look London is sold out for the moment at least. It is such a brilliant thing that artists of real quality do still manage to get through the bull…. and deliver great work despite the pittance that streaming and modern marketing affords them. And he’s still only 25 FFS!

I’m off on hols next week so nothing from the Shed until Sept. Thank God you say but I will be back and there will be several radio broadcasts to catch up too. Until then here’s this week’s which contains oodles of new stuff from Lenderman to Danny to Toby Lee and The Staves as well as the classic album “Southeastern”. My sounds for this week are both MJ, as I like to call him. See you all on the other side. As ever take what you want or need.

About Keith Hargreaves 435 Articles
Riding the one eyed horse into dead town the scales fell from his eyes. Music was the only true god at once profane and divine The dust blew through his mind as he considered the offering... And then he scored it out of ten and waited for the world to wake up
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Donna J Hall

See MJ Lenderman’s Tour dates for Europe here: There are still tickets left for Leeds and Dublin.

keith hargreaves

Thanks Donna you won’t believe how hard I’ve tried to move stuff around to get to Leeds but the fates are against me 🤬

Gill Tee

Loving MJ Keith!

keith hargreaves

Glad to hear it !

David Wedge

It’s a tough old life you describe Keith, but someone’s got to live it I suppose! 🤣
Thanks for the heads up about this fella.

keith hargreaves

Yep I know I’m taking one for the team😂