So as promised this week’s article is about the music and specifically live music. I’ve always wanted to be the guy that puts on the bands, rubbing shoulders with the people that fill my life with so much to cherish. Encouraging others to see what good taste I’ve got and showing them how they can be as cool as me, if not cooler. Of course, the reality is somewhat different as this last week I dipped my hobbity toe into the murky waters of promotion as Sounds from beyond the Shed put on its first live show. The whole process is potentially riddled with pitfalls and a sense of anxiety as I soon discovered. First up find an artist willing to come and play, work out a fee, book them and find a venue. All done until the venue became unavailable so last November became this September. And then for 8 weeks I scrabbled about trying to find a suitable venue.

Eventually I settled for one that did everything PA, website ads, bar and even security (not really required but you never know) which, of course, was £200 more than the one that was unavailable. So now the bill is getting bigger and no tickets as yet sold… And so it goes on. Week after week looking at on line ticket sales. Some flyers distributed (extra cost here) and some Facebook posts. Not being particularly social media savvy I probably missed lots of things I should have done but eventually the night rolls around and… and.. it looks like we might break even. So that was the pain but the pleasure was worth every penny and worry. Peter Bruntnell, his band and Jim (Small Town) Jones with Dave Little played two brilliant sets respectively and were generous with time for fans and newbies alike. Pete’s new album “Houdini and the Sucker Punch” was flying out the door at the merch desk as was Jim’s “Kintsugi” (phnaaar!). The venue was intimate, the sound exceptional (thanks Del) and the atmosphere upbeat and generous. A brilliant, brilliant night. Couldn’t have asked for more for a first gig. I might do it again.
So in honour of the acts we’re featuring Pete and Jim this week. Gawd bless you sirs. The radio is also a real hoot this week with tales of breakdowns and gigs as well as tracks from Neil Young, MJ Lenderman, My Girl the River and three from Hurray for the Riff Raff amongst others. As ever take what you want or need.
Well done, Keith. Gig promotion is not for the faint-hearted – and it doesn’t get any easier, I’m afraid – but the rewards are more than worth the stress and anxiety. Glad it went so well.
Thanks it was worth it….in the end