Sounds from beyond the Shed – Week 93

Fallegur, fallegur staður með hákarli bætt við!


Holidays are over but what a holiday…

Fallegur, fallegur staður með hákarli bætt við!

Hate to gloat but sometimes it all works and the last school holidays really did. If this is what the future holds after July then bring it on! Of course, it won’t be given that a key part of my hols was traveling to Iceland, possibly the most expensive place I have ever been ( and I have been to Japan!) but what a place.

Panoramic skylines, skulking lava fields filled with frozen moss-covered figures waiting to rise again. Pulsing geysers of scalding foam and volcanic craters seemingly from a fantasy fiction, be it Fleming or Asimov. Tolkeinesque waterfalls that plunged from hidden escarpments and black beaches between the boiling seas and basalt guardians of caves to the underworld. Mind suitably blown… and that is not mentioning lying in hot pools in deserted canyons during snowstorms or watching glaciers calf into a crystal blue lagoon.

And to top it all off, managing to source two tickets to see Wilco in the Harpa Hall in Rekjavik on the last night of their three-day residency.

Phew what a week. If you’ve never been and can afford to save the money (it took some saving !) I wholeheartedly recommend it. The people are lovely and the places are extraordinary. Prepare yourself for some price shock – £10 for a beer and on one occasion a chicken and avacado roll was £14! FFS.

And now back with a bang Yr 13s and Yr 11s have only 9 days before they’re off on exams some of whom have never sat a public exam ever! This term will fly by and I intend to enjoy every day which of course won’t happen. Can’t disappoint my readers by being too happy!

Sounds this week MUST include some Wilco after such a wonderful evening (watch the site for the review) and this is a clip from day 2, then something from a new discovery Triptides who have a new album out this week but this is from the previous and finally some classic Van.

About Keith Hargreaves 482 Articles
Riding the one eyed horse into dead town the scales fell from his eyes. Music was the only true god at once profane and divine The dust blew through his mind as he considered the offering... And then he scored it out of ten and waited for the world to wake up
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Jonathan Aird

Been plugging away for Triptides on Tracks the last couple of years, so nice to find there’s another fan around here!