Sounds from beyond the Shed 173 – “Friends Reunited”
Every year we have an AUK Writers weekend which our editor Mark referred to in his final piece of the week before last. In the end there were no arguments about banjos but a jolly time […]
Every year we have an AUK Writers weekend which our editor Mark referred to in his final piece of the week before last. In the end there were no arguments about banjos but a jolly time […]
Live music is the tonic we all need. Following my thoughts on post-pandemic life and the Edinburgh Festival last week, I attended what was possibly the most life-affirming gig I have been to in a long, […]
Heading to Scotland to avoid the rain… Having bailed on France, as described last week, your correspondent is in the throws of preparing to drive to Edinburgh to the Fringe. The beautiful Mrs H is singing […]
Damn the fragility of the body. The spirit is certainly willing but …f**k, the body isn’t at the moment. After 4 weeks of nursing a back (and boring you dear reader with my moaning), last weekend […]
Commuting is a joy. Or at least it will be when I take delivery of my new car as mentioned last week. Some of my colleagues have been less than complimentary about my fearless championing of […]
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