Just Because…
There is some reason to believe that we’re part of the King Creosote fan club, but really he’s just a very convenient person to go to when one is looking for a song with barbed lyrics […]
There is some reason to believe that we’re part of the King Creosote fan club, but really he’s just a very convenient person to go to when one is looking for a song with barbed lyrics […]
To be honest Kenny Anderson a.k.a. King Creosote must have thought he’d had his “Merry Christmas Everybody” moment with ‘Not One Bit Ashamed‘ – after all there has been barely a day in the last 14 […]
Is it really that time of year already? Oh, yes it is. It’s time to prepare for some festive, frolicking fun and to look forward to whatever madness 2024 will bring. First, though, we need to […]
‘Blue Marbled Elm Trees’ by King Creosote is utterly hypnotic. Layers of swirling sounds rise up to the cosmos in an epic sweep of song; moving, stirring, adventurous, leaving us spellbound. Beginning dreamily, the song grows […]
March 2020 sees the return of Scottish singer-songwriter Kenny Anderson aka King Creosote’s ‘From Scotland with Love’ project. A combination of heritage film which features themes of love, loss, war, resistance, emigration, work and play, ‘From […]
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