These three bad looking hombres are Butch Hancock, Joe Ely, and Jimmie Dale Gilmore and together they are the Americana supergroup Flatlanders. And they have a new album out, their first in over a dozen years. it’s called ‘Treasure of Love‘ and it’s out on July 9th. And here’s a great cut from it – if you’re going to do a cover version then you have to bring something new to it otherwise why bother? Well whilst you’ll have no trouble recognising Dylan’s song, the Flatlanders have definitely put their own distinctive Texas spin on it. It’s cool.
Jimmie Dale Gilmore shared some thoughts on the song “I loved this song the first time I heard it and have never grown tired of it. Although it is written from the male perspective it touches upon the plight of a strong woman living in (what is still) a man’s world. Dylan was prescient in his understanding of so many of the dilemmas that have now become almost common knowledge. Butch, Joe and I have shared an appreciation of Dylan’s artistry and wit from the beginning and after performing this for so many years I am happy to finally have a recorded version of it on a Flatlanders’ release.”