Today’s song is taken from the new record by The Weber Brothers – guitarist/vocalist Sam Weber, bassist/vocalist Ryan Weber, Marcus Bowne on drums, Emily Burgess on guitar and multi-instrumentalist Ryan “Rico” Browne. The album is called ‘Wild as the Wild Dogs‘, and has a particular significance for the band as it comes with a dedication to the brothers’ teacher, mentor, and friend, the legendary Ronnie Hawkins, who passed away earlier this year at the age of 87.
Ryan says, “This is a rock and roll album, this is the kind of music Ronnie loved, it only seems right to send it out to him wherever he is now, because he‘s the one who really taught us so much about it, what it really is, and how to really do it. His presence is all over this album, and hopefully, we’ve done him and all the lessons he gave us some justice. This for us is a constant goal.”