Tim Grimm and the Family Band “A Stranger In This Time” (Cavalier Recordings 2017)

One of the leading Folk and Americana exponents, Tim Grimm, delivers his latest album rich in imagery and potent of lyrics. The personal, the political and the social are all examined, alongside tunes of real beauty delivered with glorious textured vocals. Tim is supported, in writing and recording, by his sons Jackson and Connor alongside his wife Jan, who weighs in with harmonica and vocals.

Grimm’s acting career includes a role in ‘Clear and Present Danger’ alongside Harrison Ford, and in 2014 he had the number one song on Folk Radio with King of the Folksingers. One of his songs, The Lake, featured on the soundtrack to the Robert Redford movie, A Walk in the Woods. In his spare time, Grimm farms 80 acres in Southern Indiana. I am unaware if he also provides life-coaching advice and repairs washing machines but can say for certain that he has an ear for a mean tune, as this album is packed with them.

It would appear that, like many others, Grimm woke up on November 9th with a king-sized headache, as the first two tracks are a gentle but biting indictment of the attitudes that resulted in the election of Donald Trump. These Rollin’ Hills, a song of true beauty anyway, reveals the sadness and fear for the future caused by the election result, while Gonna Be Great is a suitably cutting reference to the promises of the campaign.

Social issues also feature strongly in the menacing Black Snake and the excellent The Hungry Grass. However, it is in the more personal songs that the album really hits home. So Strong, an effecting portrayal of his relationships and Finding Home are little gems, but possibly the stand-out track on the album is Thirteen Years. A song about a tree falling on the family farm in the 1940s and the wood being saved by Grimm’s father and turned into a guitar which was used to record this album. Superb stuff.

An outstanding collection of songs by a multi-talented artist.

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Fabulous Folk Americana from the Family Grimm.

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