Tim Grimm’s new digital single ‘Gone‘ couldn’t be better timed. It comes out of Covid isolation with the sudden absence of social outlets and socialising. It also comes out of climate change, as Grimm sings “They say it’s getting warmer- it takes a little time.” And it comes from division and distrust: “I’d like to call you brother but the bridges have all burned / And the things you say without a mask bring darkness to this world.” And yes, there was a Covid reference in that last as well.
‘Gone‘ works on so many levels at the same time – but there’s an issue at the heart of it all: the climate could be better helped, Covid could be dealt with better. The building up of hate and distrust amongst fellow citizens could be healed. It all points to one source as Grimm notes: “It used to be four Horsemen, now it’s just a single one / They say in Revelation that doom will finally come / There’s a rider in the White House and Liberty has run.” Well – now he has gone as well and we look forward to Tim Grimm’s assessment of the healing balm that adult voices in the room may be able to achieve. Fingers-crossed, eh?
Photo: Jan Lucas-Grimm