Track Premiere: Ryan Hamilton “Babies”

The babies being sung about on the latest single from Ryan Hamilton aren’t all that cute, they aren’t even that small.  They do share a common emotional issue of self-gratification: “little babies in bathrooms getting high / little babies in little cars flying by.”  Ryan Hamilton has elaborated on the theme, and also explained the background to the song: “Not to deflect responsibility here, but to be completely transparent, this song was a gift from my friend, fellow Texas-based artist and all round amazing guy, Bob Schneider. Upon first hearing the lyrics, I reacted like most people will – “whaaaat!”, haha! Then he explained the deeper meaning to me and I knew I had to record it. I mean – it goes deep! “Little babies looking for a flag to burn… everybody’s always looking for someone to blame…” It’s about a childishness that never leaves us. “Little babies like you and me just looking for someone to hold them tight… the only thing you’ll ever have’s today… everybody’s as scared as can be”, those in-the-moment anxieties, the pressures of merely existing – that we feel long into adulthood… I mean. Thank you, Bob!” 

Bob and I have been friends for a lot of years. He was the first music friend who made me feel like it was ok to be 100% myself. A kindred spirit, and a fellow weirdo. I’m am forever thankful for Bob’s kindness, support, and friendship. I’ve always looked up to him as a songwriter. So, when he sent me this incredibly layered song for ‘1221’, I was honoured. Not only is ‘Babies’ a killer song, melodically… I found the lyrics deeply interesting, and supremely powerful.”

About Jonathan Aird 2946 Articles
Sure, I could climb high in a tree, or go to Skye on my holiday. I could be happy. All I really want is the excitement of first hearing The Byrds, the amazement of decades of Dylan's music, or the thrill of seeing a band like The Long Ryders live. That's not much to ask, is it?
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