One of the always surprising things about Crosby, Stills, and Nash is that while they are renowned for seamlessly blending harmonies, each of their individual voices is instantly recognizable. This is certainly true in Nash’s new song and video for ‘Military Madness’. As his band begins an affable lope into the song he steps to the mic and his inimitable tenor soars forth. This live performance is from the new collection of songs ‘Graham Nash: Live’ which includes full performances of his first two critically acclaimed solo albums, ‘Songs For Beginners’ and ‘Wild Tales’. ‘Military Madness’ is a personal reflection on World War II in Britain and the Vietnam Era in the U.S. and is eerily prescient about the current post-Iraq, Ukraine invasion era.
“I’ve been trying to figure out why ‘Songs For Beginners’ and ‘Wild Tales’ [were] so popular and I think it’s that intimacy and that immediacy of my emotions,” explains Nash. He goes on to note, “We’re supposed to learn from history and it doesn’t appear as if we’re learning much. Songs like ‘Military Madness’…is that not relevant today? The hope that we can change the world, isn’t that still relevant today? I’m very flattered that my music seems to have lasted this long, but I’m also a little upset that we have to keep singing a song like ‘Military Madness’ right up to the present. Enough already!”
In celebration of the new record, Nash is touring the U.S. throughout 2022 accompanied by longtime collaborator and This Path Tonight (Nash’s 2016 solo album) producer Shane Fontayne on guitars and vocals, and former CSN keyboard player and vocalist Todd Caldwell. Nash and friends will perform songs from his days in the Hollies through his years with Crosby, Stills & Nash and from his beloved solo recordings, weaving anecdotes and tales from his 50-year career throughout the evening.