A live version of a stone cold classic from Little Feat for this week’s retro slot, with the added bonus of Bonnie Raitt and Emmylou Harris. Have a great weekend everyone.

Classic Clips: Jesse Winchester “Yankee Lady” – Old Grey Whistle Test, 1976
My first opportunity to contribute to the 'Classic Clips' feature finds me returning to the same artist that was the subject matter for my first, 'Classic Americana Album' article back in March of this year, the wonderful Jesse Winchester. Championed by the royalty of the American singer-songwriter scene from the…
In "Classic Clips"

Video: Beth Nielsen Chapman “Love”
Check out the latest single from acclaimed singer-songwriter Beth Nielsen Chapman. 'Love', originally written and performed by US artist Sara Groves, is an exploration of the deepest of emotions. Chapman's version is truly heartfelt, her vocal delivery full of feeling over rich, sonorous instrumentation. Chapman explains: "The simplicity and elegance melodically…
In "Videos"

Live review: Bonnie Raitt + Gareth Dunlop, London Palladium – 3rd June 2023
Taking my seat at this beautiful old venue, I gazed across the stalls to a familiar sea of grey hair, white hair or no hair left at all. That’s par for the course with “legacy artists” in this genre and (full disclosure) my own hair and beard are grey and…
In "Live Reviews"