Video: Paul McClure “I Love You in the Morning”

Check out the lovely new video from Paul McClure, which was filmed entirely on his iPhone when lockdown restrictions were beginning to ease and folks were able to enjoy a little freedom again.  Incredible patience was required for McClure to sit perfectly still while recording on ‘time-lapse’ mode so that life in the background appears to be running at high speed.  Cleverly, for some scenes, McClure moved with great control, incredibly slowly to create the impression of natural movement while the world around him zoomed along.

McClure explains the concept: “Sometimes it feels like the world is getting away from you, everything is moving too fast, especially at a time like this for those like me living with anxiety and depression who can feel detached from the rest of the world.”  The lockdown encouraged McClure to slow down, take stock and consider the most important thing in life from a new perspective: family.  Fittingly, credit goes to Lola-Rose McClure for assisting with camera operation and Flossie McClure for working security (making sure nobody tripped over the camera).  ‘I Love You in the Morning’ is a refreshing, straightforward and open-hearted love song.  And we need plenty of love in the world right now.  Enjoy.

About Andrew Frolish 1633 Articles
From up north but now hiding in rural Suffolk. An insomniac music-lover. Love discovering new music to get lost in - country, singer-songwriters, Americana, rock...whatever. Currently enjoying Nils Lofgren, Ferris & Sylvester, Tommy Prine, Jarrod Dickenson, William Prince, Frank Turner, Our Man in the Field...
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