Video Premiere: Eva & the Vagabond Tales “Rose Colored Dreams”

The beautifully shot video for ‘Rose Colored Dreams’ begins with a clever cinematic scene, in which Eva is gifted rose-tinted glasses and then we are transported into her remarkable and dreamy world.  The song looks at life optimistically but recognises that it isn’t always rose-coloured; when times are challenging, we can escape into our dreams and imaginations.

The song features on the ‘Erica Rhodes: La Vie en Rhodes’ comedy special, which debuts on various platforms, including Amazon, Apple TV and Google Play on 13th April.  Eva Mikhailovna and Rhodes have a history together, as Eva explains: “I met Erica Rhodes in 2015 on a dark and spooky night in the Lake Arrowhead, CA mountains. We were both booked to play for an NPR show called American Parlor Songbook. It was being taped at a one-hundred year old theatre. My band and I were backstage doing our ritual ‘nervous practice’ where we play the most ridiculous 90’s songs we can think of in order to forget the present moment. Even so, it didn’t help my nervousness. I guess we weren’t the only ones! Erica and I met while her and I were both pacing back and forth on the dark green theatre carpet, trying to find a corner to shake the restlessness away. I think we bonded over our pre-show anxiety, and from then on, I started playing occasionally at her very own Night Light Comedy Show in Los Angeles.”  

The song was written especially for Rhodes to tie in with her upcoming show.  Eva shares how this came about: “I was camping in Yosemite during a pandemic, with no cell phone service. As soon as I drove out of the park, I had a message from comedian Erica Rhodes, who asked me to write a song for her comedy special that was taped at the Rose Bowl. It had to be done in only a couple of days. I started to write the song with my ukulele while we were coming down the windy Sierra mountain road. Erica explained the phrase ‘la vie en rose’ and mentioned some of the things she talks about in her set: being hopeful, seeing the good in the struggle, and not having things. Immediately the line came into my head, “This is the life we dreamed between our sighs.” I started to write a song about a person who is so dedicated to see the brighter side of things, that they are willing to abandon reality and struggles, just to live inside their rose coloured dream.  The video for ‘Rose Colored Dreams’ takes you into the world of colour and reveals how different colours paint different moods and atmospheres in a person’s life. In the video, the main character nonchalantly prances through a heavily burned mountain side, not realising or seeing any of the struggles and damage around her, all thanks to the rose coloured glasses that cover reality. However, she soon realises that another coloured world might suit her reality better.”  You can listen to the song here.

Eva Mikhailovna leads a multi-instrumental group of talented players, The Vagabond Tales.  Together, they combine a range of genres and a desire to tell stories to create their own distinctive folk-sound.  Look out for the band’s EP and albums, including their most recent full-length release, 2019’s ‘Uncharted Ocean’.

Here is the video premiere of ‘Rose Colored Dreams’: watch and dream.

About Andrew Frolish 1616 Articles
From up north but now hiding in rural Suffolk. An insomniac music-lover. Love discovering new music to get lost in - country, singer-songwriters, Americana, rock...whatever. Currently enjoying Nils Lofgren, Ferris & Sylvester, Tommy Prine, Jarrod Dickenson, William Prince, Frank Turner, Our Man in the Field...
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Crisia Regalado

So Enchanting! I love the music video, song, and story line. Perfection all around. I love your voice and music! 💗💗💗