Rosie H Sullivan’s latest single is gently upbeat and positively uplifting. In ‘Chapters’, Sullivan’s softly melodic vocal is captivating as she delivers a clear message about living life to the full, grasping our opportunities and making the best of each day. The accompanying video has an easygoing charm as we watch Sullivan and her bandmates emerge from their tents to face the day. The fun, friendship and camaraderie reinforces the message about the paths we take, fulfilling our days as we go through the chapters of life.
Sullivan wrote the song some time ago but it’s now ready to share with the world. She explains: “I wrote Chapters when I was 17. It’s been sitting gathering dust, but I put my trust in those who believed in the song and me. A new stage of life, a new chapter, how terrifying, but how lucky and how thrilling to have that. The middle 8 that was born whilst recording it in the studio which Ross Hamilton helped me write. We brought the song alive, and I could have cried when I heard it all as one. Who knew.” Overcoming the doubt and uncertainty that Sullivan felt about the song is perfectly in keeping with its theme.
Following Sullivan’s debut EP, ‘123° East’, which was released earlier this year, there will be a new EP this autumn, featuring ‘Chapters’ and the delicately beautiful recent single ‘Fragments’. ‘Chapters’ is an anthem for taking life as it comes, accepting and celebrating both the ups and downs and for being thankful for what we have. We all need a dose of positivity and you’ll find it here. Enjoy.