Check out the latest video from Croatian band She Brought Me Gasoline. ‘Let Me Move On’ is a raw, rootsy romp built upon an insistent rhythm, fuzzy guitar hooks from Kristijan and Zac and Kristijan’s distinctive gruff vocal, which is full of character. The song has a real live energy and an authentically swampy feel. Lyrically, it’s a song of life and love, the resilience of relationships and the routines that are a part of that. The atmosphere is reinforced by a series of moody images used to construct the accompanying video.
‘Let Me Move On’ is the second single from last year’s well-received sophomore album ‘There Were Times’. The album covers a range of themes, from a neglected Bosnian town to reflections on family and love, all delivered in the band’s engaging blend of Americana, country and blues. Some of the album’s great atmosphere comes from being recorded in a temporary studio in a remote cottage by a forest in northern Croatia – the isolated location surely helped focus the band-members’ minds and instruments. The music is steeped in American music traditions with a timeless feel. Enjoy.