We have lift off! My Girl The River announces new album “Songs about Space”, UK dates

Louisiana-born but for decades a Home Counties resident, Kris Wilkinson Hughes has announced the imminent release of Americana band My Girl The River’s latest album as well as a tour to coincide with its release. The first album since 2020’s “Cardinal in the Snow” and featuring a cover used after seeking permission from Nasa, “Songs About Space” is a family affair featuring Kris, husband Joe Hughes and daughter Rue as well as a host of other contributors.

Kris states: “Songs About Space brings together all of My Girl The River’s recent singles along with hidden gems that have been languishing in the studio. Some were written and recorded as far back as 2012, some as recently as 2023, we’ve pulled it all together to make it sound cohesive and in doing that I think we have created a deep and provocative collection.”

My Girl The River are launching the album at The Place in Bedford on June 22nd, and it goes on general release on July 5th. Tickets available from this link.

As well as the album launch there are a number of dates where you can catch Kris and family over the next few weeks. Looks like the festival circuit is going to be a happy place this summer!

June 14-16: Black Deer Festival, Kent – Supa Jam Stage Songwriters’ Round
June 27: Lovefields, Glastonbury
July 6: St Neots Festival
July 20: Arundel Music Festival
July 21: Bedford River Festival
August 17: Dinton Beer Festival, Aylesbury

As a taster of the album, here’s another chance to catch one of the singles.


About Keith Hargreaves 435 Articles
Riding the one eyed horse into dead town the scales fell from his eyes. Music was the only true god at once profane and divine The dust blew through his mind as he considered the offering... And then he scored it out of ten and waited for the world to wake up
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