Arielle Silver is a baker of pies and a penner of poetry – and with three previous releases to her name is a musician with a back catalogue to her name. ‘What Really Matters‘ is taken from her new album ‘A Thousand Tiny Torches’ – her first release for ten years which will be out in the Summer. What’s been going on in Ms Silver’s world?It’s a story of real life intervening – moving from Boston to LA, divorcing, remarrying, teaching yoga philosophy and working behind the scenes in the music industry. Stuff, in short. And ‘What Really Matters‘ is about stuff as well – if your world was falling apart what would you grab and go with ? It’s a question that was inspired by double tragedies – in November 2018, there was a shooting at the Borderline Bar in Thousand Oaks, CA and the next day, the Woolsey and Hill fires broke out, burning over 96K acres of Southern California. Still getting over the shock of the deaths of 13 of their neighbours people were then told to pack up and get the hell out of the fire’s path. So, Arielle Silver asks, “What would you take if your world was on fire?” before proffering suggestions “Flask of whisky, stash of pot? Letters from a lover that you should have long forgot?” What, in your life, really does matter and is irreplaceable? It’s simpler than you think.