What? Really, Songkick, what? Martin Carthy… on tour with Toyah? How could that be? The very definition of the folk singer a lifetime deep in the music and one of the contenders for a pixie-princess of punk, latter-day vampire and more recently home-entertaining YouTube sensation. Well…Martin did have a bit of an electric phase in Steeleye Span – could he push that a bit further? No – doesn’t seem likely. Although that first phase of post-punk did lean a bit into dressing up, so maybe a young woman who “dressed herself in man’s array” to become, ahem, a dandy highwayman would fit the bill. Halfway to a synchronisation then – but it didn’t really seem right, until we remembered the Acoustic album that Toyah released in 1996 and it all started to fit into place. So, climb the pub’s back staircase to the big function room – the rusty transit van of the imagination has arrived and an unlikely acoustic pairing will be on the folk club stage soon. Get ready to enjoy for the first (and very possibly the last) time on Americana UK the sound of Toyah as she acoustically tells of her “crystal balls exploding“. This could be fun.