Jingle Bells Thursday – here it is, Merry Christmas

And so this is Christmas – and what have we done?  Well, “we’ve” put together another selection of seasonal ditties with a sort of kind of Americana-ish slant.  Always a bitter sweet moment – somewhat akin to going into the Supermarket late on Christmas Eve and finding the aisles have already been cleared for the Boxing Day Sale items and the first of the Easter eggs are on display.  True Story.  But nil desperandum Christmas is still to come and a year of music beckons beyond it.  And it you’ve been perusing the upcoming releases lists then it’s certainly a year to look forward to.

But if you’d rather reflect on the last twelve months first then Chis Berardo is your man for reflection, as he sings on his new Christmas release about ‘This Year‘.

Not that reflection is always going to bring up a list of highlights – as Serabee recounts on ‘This Christmas‘, it has “been a long year / … / baby times are tough“, and this was written prior to Omicron.  But then she also points out that “New Year is coming soon and we can start again,” which is an optimistic thought to hold onto.

So an alternative would be to rejoice, as Hannah Aldridge suggests on this rather eerie Southern Gothic take on ‘O Come, O Come Emmanuel,’ which has a threatening edge so it’s probably wisest to go along with her suggestion or goodness knows what might happen.

And now we’ve resolved to be happy no matter what happens, and it’s time to get back to the true spirit of Christmas – it just wouldn’t be Christmas without….banjos (did we mention this before?).  We admit to being slightly concerned about Mother Banjo who seems to be facing a snowed in Christmas with the children stuck at the grandparents with perhaps a mite too much “qui sera sera.”  We’re snowed in, the kids aren’t here, we’ve got a huge log-pile and all the food.  Could be worse….hmm, she may have a point.

However it goes, it’s the Christmas memories that last, and Sarah Morris‘ suggestion is to make the holiday memories happy ones.  And that sounds like a plan.

And that’s really it, no more.

Ahh…..oh, all right, just one more, ‘cos we know what day you wish it could be every day, and so do Roy Wood and Cheap Trick.

About Jonathan Aird 2922 Articles
Sure, I could climb high in a tree, or go to Skye on my holiday. I could be happy. All I really want is the excitement of first hearing The Byrds, the amazement of decades of Dylan's music, or the thrill of seeing a band like The Long Ryders live. That's not much to ask, is it?
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