Ron Pope reflects as he contemplates death in the lyrics of his latest single ‘The Life in Your Years’. This is the latest single from his forthcoming album ‘American Man, American Music’ due on 14th February from Brooklyn Basement Records.
Pope describes the influence that touring has had on his songwriting, “I’ve been traveling to play music since I was a kid,” Ron continues. “I was never especially attached to a place or to very many people for that matter, so I felt as if I’d been specially crafted to live in constant motion. Running away from home suited me just fine. Other people got homesick on the road, I got sick of home whenever I was forced to sit still,” he adds. “As I’ve gotten older, all of that has fallen away. I love to be at home; I’m not trying to be gone so long that my kid starts calling me by my first name. I’m a father and a husband way before I’m anything else. Now, I go out on tour for my family and then get home to them as quickly as I can. Being on stage is still a great joy in my life, it’s just no longer the only joy. So far, I’ve loved the life I’ve been allowed to live. My priorities have changed over time and I’ve done my best not to judge myself for allowing those changes to take hold. It’s been a hell of a ride.”
Pope is supporting the release with a brief tour of the UK and EU followed by a number of U.S. dates.