So, the end of another very sad week for music with news that for me the best venue in the country, The Deaf Institute in Manchester, will never be reopening its doors – more than ever, please do go and support the Save Our Venues campaign. In the meantime, we leave you this week dear reader with a track taken from the new covers album by americana stalwarts Gillian Welch and David Rawlings, ‘All the Good Times’. Recorded at home on a reel-to-reel tape machine, the digitally released album includes their own version of songs by artists including Bob Dylan (‘Señor,’ ‘Abandoned Love’), John Prine (‘Hello in There’), Elizabeth Cotton (‘Oh Babe It Ain’t No Lie’) and Norman Blake (‘Ginseng Sullivan’), along with their take on traditional tunes such as ‘Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss’ and ‘Poor Ellen Smith.’ There’s also a cracking version of Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash’s duet ‘Jackson’. Have a good one if you can.