I was in Nottingham two weeks ago to see Gary Louris, Birmingham last week for the cricket on both occasions I wandered through the city centres loving my ‘visits’ to the city from my rural home and being energised by the teeming multitudes of all colours and creeds. Not a hint of aggravation or nonsense despite the amount of alcohol consumed in Brum. And then following the horror of Southport these friendly and flourishing streets have seemingly been commandeered by the fascist scum that live in the ether and send their mindless minions to do their twisted bidding. A proposed city trip with grandchildren has been paused on the grounds of safety FFS.
Pack mentality cannot be allowed to determine the nature of our society, the bellicose flatulence of Farage and his ilk must be condemned by any right-minded person who believes in human rights and human decency. As country we have already been conned into stepping back from our natural European home by the narrow minded pedalling of anachronistic Empire speak, we must be seen to be upholders of rights and dignity, lovers of humanity and above all believers in the rights of all individuals to be able to live their lives unmolested and safe in the knowledge that they are valued by their communities and their country.
The silent majority must stir itself to ensure that Britain doesn’t drift into being a society that most of us would be ashamed of and our children must be educated to understand that the colour of someone’s skin matters not one jot. We are all human and we all feel pain, loss, joy and fear.
And in the spirit of the above I choose Bennett Wilson Poole and Wilco with Billy Bragg as this weeks tracks and the radio show features the new one from Danny and the Champs as well as Father John Misty, Grace Bowers, Ray LaMontagne and much more. As ever…