Track Premiere: E. G. Vines “King Of The Rat Race”

On this latest release by E.G. Vines no punches are held back, there’s a swaggering assurance in lines like “I’m the King of the Rat Race, and I am just a Rat you say / I’m the King of the Rat Race but I’m still the king of you” which is coupled with a calculating arrogance “I’m moving you like a puppet on a string.”

It striking imagery that comes from a place of knowledge – E.G. Vines rode the corporate ladder at a major retailer for a decade before deciding to quit his day job in late 2019 when he released his debut solo album, ‘Family Business‘.  He now looks back at his time splitting life between a desk job and music and says it resulted in him being constantly on edge, carrying frustrations on his back all the time. Whilst not repudiating the music he wrote during that period  EG Vines has said that ‘Family Business‘ and his new album ‘Through the Mirror’ more honestly reflects how he really feels.  Speaking of the inspiration for the song Vines told us “I guess this is a bit of a back and forth look between aspiring entrants into the rat race and the king of the rat race. All indications show that neither will be happy, but they can’t stop playing the game. My wife and I were just about to watch a movie and I went to grab a drink when the hook assaulted me. I said, ‘Sorry honey, Song emergency.. I’m gonna need a minute.’ Half an hour later, it was done.”

About Jonathan Aird 2922 Articles
Sure, I could climb high in a tree, or go to Skye on my holiday. I could be happy. All I really want is the excitement of first hearing The Byrds, the amazement of decades of Dylan's music, or the thrill of seeing a band like The Long Ryders live. That's not much to ask, is it?
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