It’s been a full four years since Andy Cabic released his last album under the Vetiver name., but at long last there’s new music coming with November’s release of ‘Up On High‘ which will be released on Loose. The gentle and reflective ‘To who knows where‘ is the first single and a first listen will be enough to conjure up a dozen touchstones. Is there a warm hint of early acoustic Neil Young? Surely there’s a nod to The Stray Gators? Is that phrasing a bit like Nick Drake? Above it all though it’s Vetiver -taking those influences and then crafting an original.
As well as the new album there’s an end of the year UK tour to come – dates below the audio-video.
Vetiver Tour
DEC 7 SAT 81 Renshaw/81 Records, Liverpool
DEC 8 SUN YES, Manchester
DEC 9 MON The Old Cinema Launderette, Durham
DEC 10 TUE Sneaky Pete’s, Edinburgh
DEC 11 WED Mono, Glasgow
DEC 13 FRI Headrow House, Leeds
DEC 14 SAT The Cuban Embassy (The Bulls Head), Birmingham
DEC 15 SUN The Brunswick, Brighton
DEC 16 MON Rough Trade Bristol, Bristol
DEC 17 TUE O2 Academy2 Islington, London
Photo by Alyssa Anderson