Something for the weekend: Trampled by Turtles and Sumbuck cover Bon Iver’s “For Emma”

Trampled by Turtles
Photo provided by Will McCarthy Music Promotions.

Well that’s it from us for another week dear reader and we leave you with a new recording by the always deeply lovely Trampled by Turtles who have teamed up with Sumbuck to cover Bon Iver’s 2008 classic ‘For Emma,’ Sumbuck being the side project of Caamp’s Taylor Meier. And what a cover! Trampled By Turtles were recently in Mexico for the Dead Ahead festival where they played a special set celebrating the music of Jerry Garcia’s 70s bluegrass outfit Old & In The Way.

While we always give a shout out in this sign-off to Palestine action happening in your locality, this week it feels like an apropos time to talk about them in broader terms. For over a year the Palestine protests have been derided as ‘hate marches’ and have suffered arbitrary police restrictions. Last Saturday these attacks reached a new level, leading to the arrest of around 77 protesters and the charging of two leading figures from the Palestine Coalition under the Public Order Act – Chris Nineham, chief steward and vice-chair of Stop the War Coalition and Ben Jamal, Director of Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Two MPs on Saturday’s protest, Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonald, were also called in for questioning by the police. This is not just a serious attack on the Palestine movement, but an attack on the democratic right to protest. Both Amnesty and Liberty have condemned the police action during and before the demonstration, and dozens of prominent UK legal scholars have called for an independent inquiry into the Met’s actions. For those of you who are based in London, there’s a public meeting tomorrow on this escalation of police tactics which you can find details of here.

That’s us then. Take care and see you on Monday.

About Mark Whitfield 2092 Articles
Editor of Americana UK website, the UK's leading home for americana news and reviews since 2001 (when life was simpler, at least for the first 253 days)
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