Charley Crockett is one of the most distinctive voices in country music today, translating a traditional sound into something new and fresh. ‘Hard Luck & Circumstances’ finds Crockett in fine form, superbly textured instrumentation boosting his rich vocal performance. Crockett’s songs are frequently populated by characters who show defiance in hard times, everyday folk who are striving and struggling to get by. His words capture these characters, narratives and moods perfectly: “When it comes to bad luck // I got perfect timing // All the stars just align.”
This is taken from Crockett’s forthcoming album, due out on 26th April 2024. He’s an incredibly prolific songwriter and recording artist, and yet manages to be remarkably consistent in the quality of his output. ‘$10 Cowboy’ promises to maintain Crockett’s usual, high standards and delivers a collection of raw songs that reflect the resilience of everyday Americans as their country struggles through a period of change and transition. Crockett says: “This material is written at truck stops, it’s written at casinos, it’s written in the alleys behind the venues, it’s written in my truck parked up on South Congress in Austin. A ramblin’ man like me, a genuine transient, is in a pretty damn good position to have something to say about America.”
The album was recorded live to tape at Arlyn Studios in Austin, with long-time collaborator Billy Horton. There were multiple musicians playing on each track and Crockett describes what the process was like: “The reason I cut it on tape is, when you get the right folks in the room, great players rise to the occasion. When that red light is on and the tape is rolling, you get the magic of a performance.”
This is what country music should sound like.