Video Premiere: William Poyer “Lightning”

Here is the premiere of William Poyer’s cinematic video for ‘Lightning’, his latest single and the second release from his forthcoming EP.  The new material has been recorded with Ferris & Sylvester’s Archie Sylvester, who has helped to add real drama and texture to Poyer’s music.  This song of fearlessness and self-belief truly pulses with rhythmic power.  ‘Lightning’ has a sense of purpose, capturing an atmosphere that is enhanced by an excellent movie-style video.  A particular highlight is the extended bridge, halfway through the song, when the music calms but the tension continues to rise; inspired by Ennio Morricone, this section brings to mind old westerns, their adventure, epic sweep and fatalism.  And that’s where the video comes in.  We see a story unfold of a man who dreams of escaping his mundane life to become a Mexican wrestler.  Just when his hope are fading, a dramatic turn of event leads to him becoming a hero.  Director-Cinematographer Roberto Chavez was already creating a short film, starring Vladamir Bruciaga (Narcos Mexico) and Tamara Niño Rivera (La casa de las flores), when he heard the song and was inspired to turn the story into a music video to accompany ‘Lightning’.  The result is a great example of how music and film can come together, each enhancing and strengthening the other.

Poyer says of the song and video: “‘Lightning’ has been on one heck of a journey. Recording the song was an incredibly creative and fun process. Producer Archie Sylvester used some unconventional techniques and instruments to create the sounds and textures used and we channelled some special energy in the performances. I feel like the Mexican film crew took this energy and have made a film that I am incredibly proud of excited to share.”

Welsh-born Poyer is now based in London, but it was the three years he spent living in Mexico that helped him to develop his songwriting  and musical style.  Melodic and rhythmic, Poyer’s songs engage with both their musicality and the stories he tells.  The new songs were recorded at the studio of friends and collaborators Ferris & Sylvester.  On the promise of the first two single releases, the new EP will be one to watch out for.  In the meantime, check this out.

About Andrew Frolish 1633 Articles
From up north but now hiding in rural Suffolk. An insomniac music-lover. Love discovering new music to get lost in - country, singer-songwriters, Americana, rock...whatever. Currently enjoying Nils Lofgren, Ferris & Sylvester, Tommy Prine, Jarrod Dickenson, William Prince, Frank Turner, Our Man in the Field...
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